//Stopovers Statt Postkarten: Stadt- und Landansichten von unterwegs. Stopovers Maliaño The lonely sock (El Cotillo, Fuerteventura) Morning routines (Caleta de Famara, Lanzarote) City Scapes <br> – <br> Stadt- und Landansichten von Unterwegs It's oh so quiet (Hermannplatz, Berlin) View from my parent's kitchen (Hallenberg) Cultivating randomness (Garzin, Brandenburg) The holiday train (Between Berlin and Kassel) Roof romantiscism (Fuerteventura) Cactus, levitating (Canaries) Feliz Navidad (Canaries) Maison de l'ocean – Our dreamhouse in Carcans-Plage. It actually got taken down before we could buy it. The pirate's house (El Cotillo, Fuerteventura) Famara Scapes (Lanzarote) Bola canaria (Canaries) Multi-layer aquarium with sea view (Laga, Basque Country) Sun freckles (Berlin) Rain (in Münster) Urban Sports (Puerto de San Vicente de la Barquera, Asturias) Going to France. My car's shadow looks like Shrek. Summer is it!