//Visual Diary Ähnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen oder Gegebenheiten sind kein Zufall. Morning precision (Italy) Nichts hinkriegen It it fits, it's free. Traveling with a surfboard (and a seagull) Mood Swing Germans having pintxos (San Sebastian) Spanish lunch and grandma's advice (Cantabria) Effects and causes. "On Christmas? Yes, on Christmas." <br> (My sister visits once a year.) Know your food A long wait. Lena has 1 new follower Lena has just been unfollowed Autumn hair At the Vietnamese Restaurant. Perks of Parenthood. Vietnamese glass noodle salad routine. Flipflop time. I dare you, spring! Ein Gespräch, bitte. (Bei Kamps in Kassel, Hauptbahnhof) Radical Maneuvers: The grace of putting a wetsuit on Radical Maneuvers 2: The grace of taking your wetsuit off while everyone's watching Home after four weeks. Hugging is for humans. The Present. (Berlin, Fleemarket at Güterbahnhof)